PLN Indonesia Power together with its subsidiary, PLN Indonesia Power Services, reaffirmed its commitment to supporting the world of education through the IP Pintar Program (Internship, Assessment, and Certification). Since its launch in 2018, this program has provided great benefits for Vocational High School (SMK) students throughout Indonesia. This year, the IP Pintar Program successfully recruited 150 students from 34 SMKs who will gain valuable experience in 22 PLN Indonesia Power work units.
The opening of the IP Pintar Program 2025 took place at PLN Indonesia Power UBP Priok and was attended online by 22 work units and 34 participating SMKs. This event was attended by school principals and students participating in the IP Pintar Program. PLN IP Services HR Director, Imam Adi Prihantoro, officially opened the program which was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding and the symbolic use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) by students.
"PLN IP Services has been trusted to execute the IP Pintar Program, and this year is the fourth year of its implementation. A total of 150 students from various vocational schools in Indonesia will participate in this program. IP Pintar is part of the company's commitment to supporting the world of education, as well as a bridge between industry and educational institutions. Through this program, students gain direct learning experience in the field and certification which is an added value for them in the world of work," said Imam Adi Prihantoro, HR Director of PLN IP Services.
This program has also received appreciation from various parties, including the schools involved. Rifat, M.Pd., Principal of SMK Perguruan Cikini, said that the IP Pintar Program greatly helps schools in bridging the gap between the world of education and industry. "By participating in this program, students can develop practical skills that are in accordance with the needs of the industry, in line with the government's program, namely industrial work practice (Prakerin). We hope that this program can continue to run and provide greater benefits for the next generation," said Rifat, M.Pd.
Buyung Arianto, General Manager of PLN IP UBP Priok, emphasized that IP Pintar has developed from just a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program to Corporate Social Value (CSV), which has a wider impact on students and the community.
“IP Pintar is no longer just a CSR program, but has been upgraded to CSV. This program not only provides benefits for students, but also becomes a form of real contribution from PLN Indonesia Power and PLN IP Services to the community. We hope that students can take advantage of this opportunity as best they can to improve their competence and readiness in the world of work,” said Buyung Arianto.
Through the IP Pintar Program, PLN Indonesia Power and PLN IP Services continue to strive to create added value for the world of education and industry, as well as contribute to producing young workers who are competent and ready to compete in the global era.
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PLN Indonesia Power Services
Telephone: +62 877-1192-1182