Solusi Energi Terintegrasi.

PLN Indonesia Power Services, Penyedia Solusi Energi Tepercaya
Integrated Energy Solution
Integrated Energy Solution

Who We Are

Through the new brand as a subsidiary of PT PLN Indonesia Power, PT Cogindo DayaBersama has transformed into PT PLN Indonesia Power Services which has the mandate to provide integrated solutions to answer all needs in the electricity sector. ...

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What Customer are saying

Darmawan Prasodjo
President Director

During its 26 years of existence, PLN Indonesia Power Services has been able to build a trusted business reputation. So it's not just a rebranding, this is a momentum where the entire PLN Group ecosystem will fully support the transformation of PLN IP Services. We welcome the glory of PLN IP Services as a world-class company in joint steps.   

Hartanto WIbowo
Director of Corporate Planning and Business Development PT PLN (Persero)

PLN Indonesia Power Services has been on a journey for 26 years as part of the subholding PT PLN IP and Holding PT PLN (Persero) which has a very strategic role in supporting the PLN Group to provide electrical energy in the country. This rebranding is also expected to be a strategy to expand market reach and increase the company's competitiveness, both at the national and international levels.  

Sjaeful Irwan
Wakil dari Direktorat Kemitraan dan Penyelarasan Dunia Usaha dan Dunia Industri (DUDI), Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Vokasi, Kemdikbudristek RI

“Luar biasa ya, Cogindo mengembangkan ini menjadi satu konsep digital. Para Siswa dan Mahasiswa tidak perlu hadir tapi dengan digitalisasi belajar bisa dimana saja dan disertifikasi. Kami dari Kementerian sangat mendukung terobosan ini,”

Mohamad Priharto Dwinugroho
Direktur Teknik Dan Lingkungan Ketenagalistrikan Kemeneterian ESDM RI

“Saya sangat mengapresiasi inovasi yang diluncurkan Cogindo melalui aplikasi College dan motor listrik tersebut, karena Cogindo tidak hanya berkutat dengan industri pembangkitan saja, akan tetapi bisa membangun satu konversi dari BBM ke listrik dan system pembelajaran pembangkit secara online yang dapat diakses dimana saja dan kapan saja”

Rita Triani
General Manager CFSPP Banten 3 Lontar OMU

Cogindo does a very detailed job. They have the soul to serve customers beyond customer expectations. They are also quick to respond, because every time there is a problem they are very quickly resolved, very communicative in carrying out their work, and on time. Cogindo really understands what we want. Hopefully Cogindo will continue to grow and progress.

Tri Septiadi Irfan
Operation Head PT ISS Indonesia

I feel very satisfied working with PT Cogindo DayaBersama. From how they provide service, quality of work, and build trust over the years with our company. Continue to work and keep innovating to improve business excellence in the future.

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