
PLN IP Services once again held the annual Culture Festival 2024 with the theme "AKHLAK as the Foundation of BUMN for Sustainable Performance Growth and Better Service." This event is an appreciation for the implementation of corporate culture and the dedication of the rangers, who have become agents of change by implementing AKHLAK values ​​in every aspect of work.


The Culture Festival is a celebration of culture, as well as a peak event where the three best ranger finalists from 52 cultural proposals in all PLN IP Services work units deliver presentations. In addition, there are six exemplary employees selected from 180 exemplary employee candidates in 2024. This event also collaborates with MSME fostered partners around the head office, to support local economic empowerment. The Culture Fest 2024 event was even more lively with a special performance from PLN IP Services Got Talent which added to the excitement of the event.


Winners of Culture Fest 2024 PLN IP Services:


1st Place: Agus Sukirman & Ryan Juliansyah Hasibuan (PLN IP Services Ranger, Pangkalan Susu Unit)


2nd Place: Agustinus Risal Satio R & Arlina Diah Sukma R (PLN IP Services Ranger, Nabire Unit)


3rd Place: Endah Prityarini & Romis Abdul Gani (PLN IP Services Ranger, Lontar Unit)


2024 PLN IP Services Exemplary Employee Awards:


Most Trustworthy Employee: Dwi Nurjantoro - PLN IP Services Ambon Unit


Most Competent Employee: Dede Permana - PLN IP Services Tenau Unit


Most Harmonious Employee: Toni Ahmad Fauzi - PLN IP Services Kalbar-1 Unit


Most Loyal Employee: Rifan Arizki - PLN IP Services Cilegon Unit


Most Adaptive Employee: Ardi Fardi Ramli - PLN IP Services Unit Barru


Most Collaborative Employee: Solihin - PLN IP Services Unit Bontang


In his speech, Mr. Imam Adi Prihantoro, HR Director of PLN IP Services, “The Culture Fest program is the culmination of the selection of 52 ranger unit proposals, where three units were selected to share their experiences in implementing corporate culture. This program aims to encourage companies to be better with a systematic culture and positive behavior,” he explained


Mr. Hari Cahyono, President Director of PLN IP Services, who officially opened the event, emphasized that “Culture Fest is not just an art festival, and AKHLAK is not just a slogan. However, it must be a foundation embedded in every employee, so that it brings positive energy to achieve performance growth and company sustainability,”


“This Culture Festival is an important moment to show that a strong culture is the foundation of long-term success. With a shared commitment, we will be ready to face challenges and achieve the company's vision and mission. I appreciate PLN IP Services for its role in bringing the company culture to life," added Sinung Dwi Anggraeni, Culture Manager of PT PLN Indonesia Power.


In addition to the speech, a seminar by Ivan Ahda on "Change Agent" was also part of the event, providing insight to the rangers on the role of change agents in bringing the company culture to life.


Through the 2024 Culture Festival, PLN IP Services further emphasizes its commitment to developing a strong and sustainable corporate culture. This event is not only a celebration, but also an encouragement for all employees to continue to apply AKHLAK values ​​in every step in order to achieve the best performance and better service to the community.


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PLN Indonesia Power Services




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