
PLN IP Services demonstrated its commitment to supporting the Company's Wellbeing Program by holding a Joint Sports Activity with the Directors consisting of a Fun Walk and Joint Exercise. This activity was held at the PLN IP Services Head Office and involved all employees and the board of directors.


This sports activity aims to improve the physical health of employees and create a harmonious working atmosphere. With a fun approach, PLN IP Services wants to encourage employees to actively participate in maintaining a balance between work and health.


After the sports session, employees were invited to join Ngobras (Chatting with the Directors), where they could have a casual dialogue with the directors while enjoying the breakfast that had been provided. This session aims to strengthen communication and strengthen the relationship between employees and directors, creating a more open and collaborative working atmosphere.


The President Director of PLN IP Services, Hari Cahyono, said, "As one form of the Wellbeing Program, we are holding a Fun Walk and Joint Exercise activity to foster employees' desire to exercise. We believe that employee health is the key to achieving optimal productivity."


PLN IP Services is committed to continuing to carry out similar activities as part of its ongoing strategy in supporting the company's Wellbeing program, which includes physical health and life balance. With this initiative, the company hopes to help employees achieve a better quality of life and improve overall team performance.


Corporate Communication

PLN Indonesia Power Services


Telephone: +62 877-1192-1182