
PLN IP Services held a solemn flag ceremony to commemorate Pancasila Sanctity Day. The ceremony was held simultaneously at the Head Office and all PLN IP Services work units with the theme "Together with Pancasila, We Realize a Golden Indonesia."


PLN IP Services Human Resources Director, Mr. Imam Adi Prihantoro, acted as the Ceremony Instructor and also read the Pancasila Sanctity Pledge. The event was attended by all directors and employees of PLN IP Services, who enthusiastically participated in the entire series of ceremonies as a form of respect for the noble values ​​of Pancasila.


The theme "Together with Pancasila, We Realize a Golden Indonesia" carries the message that Indonesia's diversity is not an obstacle, but a strength that must continue to be maintained. With the spirit of mutual cooperation and the practice of Pancasila values, PLN IP Services is committed to continuing to contribute to realizing the development of a better, more advanced, and more prosperous Indonesia.


This ceremony is also a moment of reflection for all PLN IP Services personnel to strengthen the implementation of Pancasila values ​​in every aspect of life, both in work and social interactions, in order to welcome a bright future.


Corporate Communication

PLN Indonesia Power Services


Telephone: +62 877-1192-1182